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Important Information

Middle School Athletics has shifted for the 2024-2025 school year where Interscholastic Sports will be competitive and is designed for athletes who already know the sport. Intramural Sports are designed for building skills and connecting with peers.   

During Interscholastic Sports athletes will compete against other schools in our district, during Intramural Sports students will be competing against other Finn Hill Middle School students.  Registration for Interscholastic Sports will open up late August and registration for Intramural Sports will open periodically during the school year, details will follow closer to the time.

Note: All student athletes must have a valid physical exam and be an ASB member (paid the yearly fee) to participate in either of these, using the Physical Clearance Form - get yours now, it is valid for 2 years.

Please note: 

To be able to participate in ANY after school activities (sports, TSA, dances etc), students must be at school for 4 or more periods.  Any students that have gone home sick, may not return till the next day or they are feeling better, and can not participate in any after school practices or games.

Athletics Student Conduct:

24-25 Athletics Student Conduct


Basketball Registration closes:  01/17/2025   (Tryouts 1/21/25 - 1/24/25.  Team announcements will be emailed over weekend.  Regular practices start 1/27.  Fees for those that make the team MUST be paid by 1/31/25)

We invite you to the season 2 sports night on Monday, 01/27, from 4:15-5:15 PM. This is an opportunity for you and your student-athlete to learn about school expectations for participating in sports and to meet with the coaches. 
During this time, you will hear from our Associate Principal about grade expectations for competing in sports, supports the school can offer students who are not meeting those expectations, and coach-specific expectations.
This is not required for your student to participate in sports this season but is highly encouraged.

Wrestling Registration closes:  02/10/2025

  • Girls Basketball - tryout sport - 12 students on JV and 12 students on Varsity - Dates: January 21 - March 14, 2025.

  • Boys Basketball - tryout sport - 12 students on JV and 12 students on Varsity - Dates: January 21 - March 14, 2025.

Tryouts Coach Akerman
  • Wrestling - non-tryout sport - all students welcome - Dates: February 10 - April 5, 2025.

Uniforms: All athletes will be issued an FHMS team uniform. Uniforms are different for specific levels. Some uniforms will be handed out for games only and will need to be returned after each game.

All uniforms will need to be washed and turned in at the conclusion of the season or last game. Athletes that fail to turn-in the FHMS issued uniform will be assessed a fine after the season has concluded. Each uniform will have a specific price.

Please note: Athletics takes place on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. There is no athletics on Wednesday.

Practice Times and after school meeting places are as follows:

Sport After School Meet Place Start Time End Time       Head Coach      
Girls Basketball Gym 2:20pm 4:30pm       Jeremy Barrie
Boys Basketball Gym 2:20pm 4:30pm Myrl Akerman
Wrestling Gym Foyer 2:20pm 4:45pm Jacob Danner


Email your students coach ahead of time if your student is unable to attend practice or needs to leave practice early - not the school office.

Full practice & match schedules will be distributed in practice and through FinalForms.

2024-2025 Sports

All After-School Sports Registration

All students will be able to register for Season 1 Sports in late August, 2024. 

Registration is done online through FinalForms. Your information is saved from season-to-season and year-to-year, making the registration process quick and easy.

Make sure you are an ASB member.  This is a yearly $30 membership fee (Via the payments portal.)

You can see more information about the FHMS ASB here.

FinalForms instructions

You will need the following information to allow for accurate completion of your online registration:

  • Basic Medical History & Health Information
  • Insurance Company & Policy Number
  • Doctor & Dentist Contact Information
  • Hospital Preference
Creating an account

FinalForms sends an email to parents and students with steps to create a FinalForms account. Emails are only sent if the is in grades 6-12. The student must be enrolled in Lake Washington School District before an account creation email is sent. If you need assistance creating your account, please contact FinalForms technical support:

Registering a student for a sport
  1. Visit FinalForms
  2. Click LOGIN under the Parent icon.
  4. Select the sports for which you would like to register. Register for only one sport per season.  
  5. Complete each form and sign your full name in the Parent Signature field at the bottom of the page. After signing a form, click SUBMIT FORM and move on to the next form.
  6. You will see a “Forms Finished” message when all forms are complete.
  7. If required, an email will automatically be sent to the student, prompting them to complete the forms requiring their signature.  Parents, please do remind your student to sign their forms! If students can't access their LWSD email account, they can log in directly to Final Forms and sign.
  8. Click MY STUDENTS when you are done. Repeat steps 3 - 6 for additional students.
  9. If you need to update your information, click the UPDATE FORMS button.

For cut sports: Payment is due once try-outs have concluded, and your student has made the team.

Payments are not processed through Final Forms, to make payments online follow these steps: 

  • Click here to be taken to the online payments portal.
  • Create a log in or log in with your existing username (your skyward family access username) and password (created during first visit)
  • Click on your student’s name.
  • Click “Items at student’s school”.
  • Under categories click “Things you can buy at Finn Hill”
  • Choose the items you would like to purchase.
  • Click on "Checkout".
  • Follow steps to complete checkout.

Please note that there is a family cap of 3 sports.  See FAQ below for more information.

Families that qualify for Free and Reduced meals may be eligible for a free ASB Card and to have sports participation fees waived. Please note that parent consent to provide eligibility status must be checked on the application to waive fees. More information about the sports fee waiver request process is available here.

Things to keep in mind when using Final Forms for Registration:
  • There are many forms that parents need to sign (more than one page so make sure to scroll all the way down on every page)
  • There is a section for students to sign (they need to create a log-in and then sign the many pages they have as well)
  • Print the Physical Clearance Form then have your doctor sign it – once it is signed, please upload it into Final Forms or bring it to the ASB office.
  • Make sure to pay the ASB membership fee (one time a year) and the season fee (there is an individual and family cap) – you can do this online or at the ASB office
Things to keep in mind with Final Forms as the season begins:
  • Coaches often will email parents and students with reminders or schedule changes – please make sure that Final Forms isn’t sent to spam or junk folders as you will be receiving critical information through this system.

  • Attendance is live – so if your student is late or absent you will be notified via email from Final Forms

  • Final Forms and Skyward do not work together – if your student is gone from school Final Forms doesn’t know that and will still generate an “absent email” – excused / unexcused are the same and don’t impact school attendance.

    • Do not call the attendance line if your student will be absent from Athletics.  Please email their coach – NOTE they will still be marked absent, and you will still get an email (that is just part of the system).

Athletics FAQ

Contact Info

Brandi Crockett -  Athletic Director -                

Frankie Morales - ASB & Athletic Secretary  -


  • Regular Season Sport (Interscholastic Sport) is $100 plus the once per school year $30 ASB membership​.
  • Each Intramural Sport Session is $30 plus the once per school $30 ASB membership.

The ASB Fee must be paid prior to Tryouts. 

Sign up for sports opens approx 2 weeks prior to each season/session.

Sports by Season

Registration will open for each sport approximately 2 weeks before the start of the season, and close before the first practice.

Intramurals Sessions 4
  • Session 4 - Nitro Ball - 01/06/25 - 01/17/25
Season 2 | Jan. 21 - April 5 2025
  • Jan. 21 2025 - mar. 14 2025
    • Basketball (Boys & Girls)
  • Feb. 10 2025 - April 5th 2025
    • Wrestling (Boys/Girls)
Intramurals Sessions 5-6
  • Session 5 - Pickleball - 03/17/25 - 03/28/25
    • (reg opens 3/3/25)
  • Session 6 - Ultimate Frisbee - 03/31/25 - 04/11/25
    • (reg opens 3/17/25)
Season 3 | April 21 - June 13 2025
  • Volleyball (Girls)
  • Soccer (Girls)
  • Tennis (Boys)
  • Track (Boys/Girls)

Directions to Other Middle Schools