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Final Forms

We are excited your student is signing up for FHMS after school athletics!  To ensure your student is ready to play on the first day of the season, all registration steps must be completed.  Students will be prohibited from participating until they have everything completed. 

Things to keep in mind when using FinalForms for registration:
  • Go to the district's athletics page and scroll down to “registration process” to access Final Forms and begin the process
  • There are many forms that parents need to sign (more than one page so make sure to scroll all the way down on every page)
  • There is a section for students to sign (they need to create a log-in and then sign the many pages they have as well)
  • Print the physical, then have your doctor sign it - once it is signed please bring it to the ASB office
  • Make sure to pay the ASB fee (one time a year) and then the season fee (there is an individual and family cap) - you can do this online or at the ASB office

Registration is done online through the district website FinalForms.  Your information is saved from season-to-season and year-to-year, making the registration process quick and easy.  You will need the following information to allow for accurate completion of your online registration:

  • Basic Medical History & Health Information
  • Insurance Company & Policy Number
  • Doctor & Dentist Contact Information
  • Hospital Preference
Creating an Account

FinalForms sends an email to parents and students with steps to create a FinalForms account.  Emails are only sent if the student is in grades 6-12.  The student must be enrolled in Lake Washington School District before an account creation email is sent.  If you need assistance creating your account, please contact FinalForms technical support:

FinalForms Steps

Step 1 -
  • Go to FinalForms (the district’s platform for athletics registration).  Login under the parent icon. 
  • Click Incomplete Forms.  Select the sports for which you would like to register.  Your selection can be changed at any point prior to the registration deadline.
  • It is important to fill out ALL the forms on FinalForms.  To the right is a visual of what should be filled out.  Everything in RED must be clicked on and filled out – complete each form and sign your full name in the Parent Signature field at the bottom of the page. 
  • After signing a form, click Submit Form and move on to the next form.  Once that is complete, they will turn green and step one is done (for parents)! 
  • You will see a Forms Finished message when all forms are complete.
  • There are sections for students to sign as well (not shown in picture).  They will need to log in to FinalForms by clicking on the student icon, and complete/sign any forms that are listed and red.  They will have received an email prompting them to complete these forms as well.

*If you have more than one student to register, click on My Students and repeat the above steps for additional students.

*If you need to update your information, click the Update Forms button.



Step 2: Physical Form

You need to click on the blue link (shown in the image to the right) to print the physical form.  This form must be filled out by your doctor (remind them to put the actual date of your student's physical next to their signature). Please upload your signed Physical form directly into FinalForms or bring your hard copy of the physical into the building to the ASB desk (not the coach) - ideally 2 weeks prior to the start of the season. 

*This is the only paper form that needs to be given to the office.



Step 3: Athletics Fee Payment

To pay for your athletic fees online you will use a separate system and cannot make payments in the FinalForms system.  The directions for the online process are below.  Alternatively, you can submit payments to the ASB office at the school with a check or exact cash.

  • Athletic payments can be accessed by clicking the blue box labeled "Online Payments" on the FHMS main page.
    • Sign in
    • Click on your student’s name
    • Under Shop click on Items at Student’s School
    • In Categories click on Things you can buy at Finn Hill
    • Scroll down to find your sport and click buy
    • Then follow the steps to checkout

*Remember that your student must also have paid the current school year ASB membership ($30).  This is required for all athletes.

** Image on right is only for reference.  You must log on for actual fee amounts.



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