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Attendance Matters to academic performance

Absent from School all day: 

Notify the school attendance office no later than the morning your child is absent, by email or voicemail.  Please be sure to include the students' full name, date of absence & the reason for the absence.  

If no excuse is provided with the absence notification, or no notification is provided the day of absence: the parent/guardian must submit an excuse via phone, email or written note within forty-eight hours of the student’s return to school. Failure to provide a valid excuse within forty-eight hours will result in the absence being marked as unexcused. [See -here- for LWSD outlined Excused & Unexcused absences - 3122P.]

Early Dismissal for appointments during school hours: 

Please notify the attendance office at least one hour prior to requested pick up time.  This allows us enough time to get your student the pass they need to leave class, collect their things and come to the office to meet you.  No notice pickups may require additional wait time to get your student to the office.  We appreciate your cooperation with this. 

We are only authorized to release students to those listed in the students' Skyward file.  The person picking up will need to come into the office to sign the student out.  The school will determine if the classes missed will be considered excused or unexcused based on the information given by the parent/guardian.

Late Arrival: 

If arriving to school late (the courtyard gates will be closed) parents must accompany students into the office to sign them in - this is part of our Safe Arrival Program.  The school will determine if the late arrival is excused or unexcused based on the information given by the parent/guardian.

Pre-Arranged Absences:

If your child will be absent for 3 or more consecutive days, your student needs to complete a Pre-Arranged Absence Form (below) and submit it to the Attendance Office prior to the absence.  It is recommended that your student start this process one week before the absence to ensure they get all teachers to fill out the form.  This form must be complete with all teachers' initials/signatures before being turned in.  Please note that the school laptops were not intended for international use, and it is highly likely that they will not work if you try and use them outside the US.  Students should have a backup plan if they are planning on doing schoolwork while they are absent.  Make sure the students bring their logins and passwords with them if they are going to log in on another computer.  (Parents and guardians are asked to keep in mind that an absence from school, even though work is made up, is not advisable unless absolutely necessary and may result in a lowered grade or loss of credit.  Instruction may not be repeated and could adversely affect a student's final grade.)

  Pre-Arranged Absence Form (Español)

How to Notify the Attendance Office:

  • Voicemail Box (425) 936-2341 
  • Email
  • Skyward Family Access (for Full Day absences ONLY - NO early dismissals) 
  • ParentSquare: Finn Hill Attendance
  • Call Office: (425) 936-2340 (Leave a message with any office person).